
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Canadians Rock! :P

My First Attempt at posting from my phone with Mobile Blogger.
I had to jump through a few hoops to get the picture to come in,
but I think I got it...

Looking for more posting options eh ;-)


  1. It's all relative. A nice day on the Oregon coast means it didn't rain more than about an inch and a half. LOL!

  2. Same here. I've seen people in jackets when visiting Arizona in 70 degree weather.

  3. We want pictures of you jumping through hoops!

  4. Mmhmm... I think I'm gonna let you boys ponder on that ;-)

  5. It's OK to visit but you leave those Canadians alone. They just can't handle anyone as unique as you. Come to Maine where unique is a way of life.

  6. I still can't believe you climb on your roof to torch ice, snow and frost...
    Not to mention I still can't believe you are one hell of a hot mechanic...

    I mean Aren't you gonna be 40 in a couple weeks...

  7. If you put the temperature in Celsius, that Canada pic is even more impressive ;)

  8. minus 20C, cotton shirt, windbreaker, toque. what is your problem?

  9. The second picture is also true for Colorado.

    Seriously, who would go to a beach wearing a coat like that!?

  10. I remember going to the Orlando, FL area on business a few years back. It was in the 50s and raining. I was on the balcony of my hotel room having a smoke wearing a tee shirt and thinking how nice the temperature was after leaving 15 degrees and snow back in Pittsburgh. People were walking around in coats and gloves looking at me like I was crazy.

  11. At a boy Denis ;-)

    James, I didn't torch the ice, I slammed the shit out of it with an ice breaker. That was "torture device" not "torching device" ;-)
    And btw, a gentlemen does not call out a lady's age on a public blog... and you got it wrong, at least for a few years :P

    Actually Rebecca, political shit aside, your Country is getting more and more appealing to me.... One never knows what the future holds ;-)

    I am Canadian, but my American Friends hold a special place in my heart <3

  12. I thought my comment was the best. But you failed to post it...Now you owe me 2..

  13. Well hold on there Honey, I checked my spam folder and I know I didn't delete one of your comments, recently... you must have pressed the wrong key. So I owe you ONE! :P

    Make your comment again, if you want ;-)

  14. According to a story by my father, Canucks are crazy bastiches anyway. He told me when he was on an assignment to set up a radar post in Florida, back in the 1950's, there were also a bunch of Canadian airmen staying at the same motel as he. He said that one of them went out to the pool for a swim, but found an alligator lying on the diving board, soaking up some rays. The crazy Canadian got up on the board, kicked the alligator off into the pool, then dove in.

  15. Aw crap! I spoke too soon. My home is 150 feet from the bay (sea level), it's 22 degrees F, there's 2 inches of snow on the ground, and it's coming down sideways.


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