
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Been There, Done That.....


  1. Now THAT looks mighty familiar!


  2. I have too. You would think we'd plan ahead a little better.

  3. I was once sitting in a parking lot in CO that was snowed like this one but even worse. I watched as a guy pushed his full cart, complete with 2 big 5-gal water jugs underneath, all the way across the lot to his car. He unloaded and pushed the cart all the way back to the cart pen thingie and as he got there I noticed he'd left the water underneath. He was halfway back to his car before he paid attention to my yelling. By then he had a pretty fair sized audience laughing at him. He was good natured about it.

    Early that same day I was in the ski area parking lot when a guy with wife and kids loaded them all up - finished for the day. He started to pull away and I noticed he'd failed to close his ski-rack up on the roof. So I started jogging after him and yelling. He must have thought I was a nutjob or something 'cause he didn't want to stop to see what I was yelling about. So I just took it to defcon 6 - the voice and volume I always used with the kids to make 'em wonder if maybe I just was crazy enough to take 'em out if they pushed it any further - and he finally stopped and opened his window a few inches. "Yo, you might wanna close the ski rack there Einstein."

    I had an audience by the time I headed back to my car. One guy had a big ol' grin on his face and said, "Nice save but I woulda let him go after 3 hollers and 30 yards."


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