
Monday, December 16, 2013

Riiiight.... You Selfish Little Prick!

Just a random MissK Fact....

Here's a few of the gifts I've gotten over the years:
Satellite Dish
DVD player
Big Screen Tv
Wheel bearings... really? Gee thanks :/

On the flip side...
A few of the gifts I asked for:
Butcher knife
A good saw
oops Bold Bolt cutters
Dark Chocolate with Nuts, and Red Wine ;-)


  1. I would give you all those things you asked for for one kiss from those red lips!

  2. Someone loves you. I lost 2 friends when the wheel bearings lock up at 90 mph in a corvette. New ones may have keep you safe.

    Kevin S Tx

  3. I have no Idea what to get my wife . I bought her Havelend(spell?) china- the one from that town in France. We never use it. I bought her a 1/2 carrot diamond. She never puts it on. Same for the sapphires , The pearls, in fact the only gift I ever gave her she used was a new phone---she dose like the Munchkin though --Ray

  4. It all looks logical except I am not sure what "Bold Cutters" are...


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