
Monday, December 2, 2013

Personal Responsibility? How Scandalous!!

Snatched from Mike Miles :-)


  1. More accurate than I wish. They hate anybody who isn't fully dependent on government handouts. Productive members of society must be punished!

    Screw you, Government. People survived before you showed up. In fact, most thrived even more than today.

  2. Yeh but a lot of times that is way harder than it sounds. I have a brother who is a total leach, I mean like a Vampire, Communist atheist, Radical Obama worshiper, drug addict. My Mother who is his enabler, won't hear a single word spoken that criticizes her "baby" (he's 51)She protects him in any and every way she can, going so far as to drive away family he has ripped off. After the third time I have had to confront both of them for ripping me off(the count is one car and two trucks so far) I had to tell both of them that they were G-O-N-E. Out of our lives forever. That to put it simply; pill heads and violent rip off drug addicts are not welcome around my child. I also let them know that my truck is back this week or a warrant will get it back for me. Sorry about the rant "K" Sometimes being the adult sucks---Ray


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