
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Instant Karma!

Knockout Game Goes Terribly RIGHT
as Woman Wails on Her Attacker

Link found over at Plan of the Day

"This dude was on the ground left leaking"

More on cnsnews
Update Below...

The Blaze reports there's a twist to the story, since police say the attacker
may have had previous contact with his prey.

Regardless if this was a true case of the
"Knockout Game" the lesson is the same....


  1. I will NOT make any statements about what I may or may not do should some jerk decide to play that game with me. I WILL say that if they do, they certainly best make sure they do indeed knock me out, 'nuff said.

  2. I'll make a statement, if attacked in this way I will respond exactly in the same the manner I respond to all attacks. I will defend myself using the minimal amount of force necessary to STOP the attack.


  3. Good for you, Anonymous 2. I, on the other hand will use maximum force in order to stop the immediate attack on me, as well as any future attacks the vile waste of semen might make on anyone else. Start killing off these bored youth of indeterminate racial heritage, and its bruthas might get the message and find safer ways to entertain themselves. If not, they won't be missed by anyone other than the losers who spawned them.


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