
Monday, December 2, 2013

I Wonder What The Story Is....


  1. Well of course General P. :-)
    But I remember as I kid, I would see these time laps photography pieces. It could be a storm rolling in, a piece of bread or an orange getting all moldy, a flower blooming, a new seedling braking through the soil... anything really. They fascinated me. Not for the end result, but for the process.

    My mind tends to search for moments when I look at a picture, life, movement, evolution, single events that influenced something in a different manner with the potential to change the outcome at every instant. Everything has a story. Time is a very curious thing... :-)

  2. Wow MissK, that was very well said.

    I'm almost ashamed to say that the caption that came to mind for me was:

    Come on men, the river is just over that next hill! This time for sure!

  3. That's the stalker half of a 'two ships crossing in the night' scenario.

  4. The clever craft of shipbuilding laid bare. (Look at those gentle curves.)

    Akin to happening upon a skeleton of some long dead creature, and marveling at the handiwork of the Creator.

  5. And GOD said: "Noah, Build me an Ark".

  6. lol ...would you go back to an earlier time if you would lose the knowledge you have gained? time happens.


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