
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Obamacare Ads ~ Because Sheeple Have Aspirations Too

At first, I thought these where Parody Ads....

That's how "seriously" fucked up the the Obama Administration is.
Grab the gullible while you can,
before they figure out what a fucking liar you are.

I snatched a few off the "official" site.
Take a peek...

That should read, "We survive on ramen noodles
because we got insurance" 

"When" you're expecting? because it happens a lot eh...

That's right, Pop out another "dependent" Mama's Boy...

* Common sense?  No need to worry about that, you got insurance.

That's right, trow a Canadian into the mix eh... Mm..Hmm... :P"' " '

"Thanks" Obamacare?? Really?
That's some high tech level of brainwashing you got going on right there. With a pitch like that, it has to be good.... Right?

~ Fuck Obama ~


  1. And this is the best they can do to attract smart young people to buy coverage?
    I think these would work equally as well in an ad campaign about what is WRONG with obamacare.

  2. Here in Kentucky the Hospitals are already laying off staff. The healthcare Corps. are saying they will close ALL the older inner city hospitals, and a good third of the MDs. are leaving Hospitals that accept Obamacare. Many MDs. are going to "cash only" clinics. The "government" is already talking about forcing MDs and nurses to stay at work. They in turn are saying they will all quit En Mass. This BS has only gone on for two months and the system is already collapsing, If ,as we fear Obama uses this to force everyone onto MEDICADE; which is already grossly underfunded, then that's it; game over.---Ray

  3. It tells you a lot about who they think they are marketing to.


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