
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Hump Day!!

Mother Nature is being Very Moody today. We got more snow overnight and now it's freezing rain. Bitch! It's gonna rain hard all day, then freeze tonight. All the driveways and parking lots will be just like ice rinks for the rest of the winter. Fun. At least Mini Me gets to stay home from school.  And I'm not working out of the house today. I think I'm gonna make a fire and curl up under a blanket until the house warms up.....
Then I'll get busy ;-)


  1. I saw this photo and my head went "Weer off to see the wizard!!!---Ray

  2. This is the time of year when the urge to hibernate sets in!


  3. Guys... this is very important.

    Do you see the pink hills, too, or did someone slip acid into my Frosted Flakes?

  4. Volfram, Honey, I'm pretty sure Frosted Flakes have always been laced... ;D

    Hibernate eh Bob, that sounds real good right about now....

    Thanks Ray, you made me sing that ;P

  5. Oh. Good thing I had Fruity Pebbles this morning, then.

    (and made that comment before breakfast :D)


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