
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My New Igloo :)

Worked my ass off and finally got her done ;-)

Well then, it's that time of year again. Where everyday yelds fridgid below freezing temps. And since our cold Canadian winter is here to stay, for a few months anyways, I got busy making myself a cozy igloo. I aimed to make it very internet friendly this year. I'm hoping to find more time to post here and there. And if I still can't do it as much as I would like, I just might sick my polar bear on him... ;D


  1. Well Hey Paul, nice of you to stop in. I got that email, worked great ;-)

  2. That is ENTIERLY TOO COOL!! I have allways wanted to try that! But we only have a winter that even comes close to that about once in a century----Ray

  3. At least you got enough to build a snowman that one time :-)

  4. Hmmmmmmm,interesting. On more than one occasion, I've been accused of being a Polar Bear!



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