
Friday, October 11, 2013

Safer Way To Camp?

I suppose it depends on the Predator,
and if he likes to play Pinata... 

And If you're gonna sleep nekkid amongst the jungle bugs,
wouldn't it make more sense to share a sleeping thingy??

Tanqu'a dormir avec les bébites, enjoy toi ;)


  1. Hammocks are a great way to sleep... Not so good for other things. They are a really nice way to keep the land crabs off (seriously--The fuckin' things are HUGE)(200+CM) Also they got bugs on them pretty-pretty jungle beaches the size of light aircraft. And snakes really- REALLY big snakes. I way prefer HOTELS for romantic jungle getaways. (After an evening of Drinking and "other" things stepping over a nine foot snake on the way to the potty is disconcerting)----Ray

  2. It's My World Stevie, I will hable all I want... Tu comprends!! ;D

    Love your insight Ray, always refreshing ;-)
    How's my favorite Munchkin?

  3. Qu'est-ce que c'est - "bébites"? For some reason we didn't learn that in French class ;)

  4. There's gotta be a hole in the upper hammock:) Hit it and go sleepy...

  5. How do you get-aboard?


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