
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Wish I Could... :/

Just too much shit...
Hope y'all are having a good day, 
maybe even napping ;-)


  1. Smudge day today

  2. The porch is almost done... Another day of work...
    All the old carpet ripped up, gone and a corner slot is already painted...
    I must thanks me sweet wife for the help. Well, she did a lot of paining and cleaning... I did the slave labor work of moving crap out/around, ripping and fixing stuff...
    Gotta shower and head to the Octoberfest in town with the kids... I could skip that, but no dinner...

  3. The Munchkin had a pajama day, and had great adventures in her blanket house. Mommy made chilly and cake. I took a nap. It was a really nice day. Peaceful and strife free.---Ray

  4. uh Greenbow, Smudge Day? That has a few different meanings, should I even ask? ;-)


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