
Friday, September 20, 2013

Oh Darn! :/

In the process of tweaking my sidebars...
Yes, while enjoying a few shots ;-)


  1. On the plus side, the sidebars all seem to be in the right places again.

  2. Not "all" Volfram :-)
    I fixed most of the top pics... but still lots more to do.

  3. Morning girl,yes I see that some are fixed,but the important thing is ,did you drink some and get some last night?

  4. Hehehehe...
    The sidebars are still screwy MissK...
    All the sidebar pictures are overlapped. Well, other than the Middle-finger-marijuana-bud and me-kissing-that-hot-redhead-chick-against-the-falls picture...
    Where did you get that picture anyway...

    And yes you are a hopeless romantic...

  5. Yes they are "still screwy" James, because I didn't do anything to "those" yet... I'm in no hurry since they're not hiding what I post. Most of my sidebar pics don't need titles anyways... it would be redundant. Perhaps I should title them all "Fuck You Blogger" ;-)

    I'll work around it, it being the frustration of having to fix something that was not broke :/

    Got some different ideas going around in my head... we'll see what comes out ;-)

    Hey Billf :-)
    Yes, and no comment...


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