
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Good Afternoon Peoples :)

Well it's official, the leaves are changing. Fall has arrived in all it's gorgeous fiery furry. Took a drive out to the Vet's yesterday. Needed to get my pussies some more of that expensive kitty shit, uh I mean food. The road to get there is along a river, and it swerves, a lot.  I've driven that road so many times in my lifetime it kinda feels like the back or my hand. We can ignore the fact that my first real teenage crush lived miles into that road ;-) Not to mention that it's also a crossroad to "other places"... needless to say, it's been used, not often, but a lot over the years. With that said, when I'm on it, I catch myself speeding pretty much every time. I don't even think about it, it just happens. It's a very narrow road too, and since there's not a lot of traffic, and no yellow lines on the bumpy pavement, I tend to use the whole road. Cutting corners in some spots or riding a curve in other spots. Now since the road is real narrow and has no shoulder, incoming traffic makes you pay close attention to the edge and aim for the narrow space in between. Kinda like fitting in a tight parking space at high speeds. Not much room for error. What can I say, it's fun. And I usually zoom right by the Vet's too... "oh shit, already!?" ;-)


  1. "it kinda feels like the back of my hand"lol or something else:)
    Don't hit me, spank me
    Even fixed it for ya----of not or

  2. Kinda looks like the highway between here and Lewiston, following the river.

    75 miles and it takes 1 1/2 hrs.


  3. This was the prettiest picture I saw today till I saw this one...

    Knew you were hiding there somewhere. You woudl have blend right in, MIssK... ;-)

  4. There's a road like that between my mom's house and McKee Ky. 11 miles of one lane switch back,3mi. of it along the top of a 40-80ft. cliff with no guard rail.---Ray


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