
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fried Chicken Anyone?

He says: "Allowing" guns into a city function just isn't safe. Oh really? So according to you, and your group, it's much safer to render law abiding citizens helpless, so that those crazy people, who are "not allowed" to own guns, can do what the fuck they want?? Like kill people?  Sooo much safer.... Yep, you're a smart one. Well don't they say that owners take after their pets? ;-)

Group uses chicken in open carry protest...

Hat Tip goes to iOwnTheWorld


  1. Ironically, I bet most 2nd Amendment supporters would support this clown if he tried to get the state to repeal its silly anti-animal laws. It's sad that his only complaint against the state infringing upon his liberties isn't that they're doing it, but that they're not doing it to every other type of freedom as well. I guess it just takes a certain type of person to want to be a citizen rather than a subject.

  2. WOw...
    What is wrong with some people? Are they so bigotted toward America that they have lost their reasoning power... Has the marxists agenda gotten the best of their reasoning and deduction power?

    Hey idiooot, a chicken can Not defend you or your family when thugs decide its your turn and come for you. But a gun can save your life when thugs, and hoodlums try to hurt you or your family...
    There is no similarities...


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