
Thursday, August 15, 2013

~ Bad Idea ~

Somebody's Having Pleasant Dreams...

....Notice "The Drool"


  1. That is one VERY stupid girl. Every year or so one or more "wild life keepers" are killed by there "charges" (lions or tigers or bears OH MY) And every time some dumb ass says; But he is such a gentle (cat-bear-king cobra
    ) He'd never hurt ANYONE(till he ate/bit/mauled the silly bitch that went in the cage with him) Even sedated cats like him are really dangerous-get the dose wrong and kitty is an unstoppable 300lb killing machine-tripping his ass off on PCP. That's why zoos NEVER allow keepers in with the wildlife. Only the vets go in, and if they got caught "hamming" with kitty like that they would need a new job. The same day! That girl's "photo Op" was both unprofessional and DEEPLY stupid.

  2. Huh?!?!
    What's the post all about?

    Sorry, but I was trying to see if I can see a cameltoe on her...

    my bad...

    But really, how many guys also did the same? hehehe


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