
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My World ~ Time For Change :)

Unless you're brand new here, you've notice that I changed the look of My World. Since most of you said that it wasn't really hard to load, I left those components alone. Especially since I really like them. I'm referring here to my revolver map, and my double sidebar.  So I focused more on the look, feel, and practicality of it. I needed a little airing out too. The white backgrounds make it easier to read, for you guys, I think? And easier to post for me. Especially when I want to copy/past things. So I'll keep tinkering around with it, maybe change the background, or add a banner on top, maybe a collage. Not sure yet. But I would like your input. To me this feels "calmer" and I kinda need that in my life right now.... I think it fits. 

With that said, Welcome to My World.... My Serenity ;-)

Oh yeah, almost forgot. I added tabs at the top. I only have two so far, but I have more in the works. So you can visit me there as I update them. Now if you please, tell me what you think.... And thank you all for stopping by ;-)


  1. Lookin' good MissK.
    I love the fuckin' Blogroll up top.


  2. Looks refreshing. I'd never change mine because it's soooo Woodsterman. I guess I'm in a rut.

    You could do one thing for your readers though. You could get rid of that awful "Word verification" thingy in comments. You moderate your comments anyway. It tends to discourage someone from leaving comments. That's not a good thing.

  3. Love the new look.

    Goofy is good.

    And that four-letter Anglo-Saxon epithet has always been a favorite of mine.


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