
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fuck this Shit, eh?

Yes, yes it does... :-(  

Before I got my own blog, I would just hate this thing, and yes, I'll admit, I neglected to comment on other blogs a few times because of it. I don't usually let it stop me, but it is a fucking nuisance to all us non-robot "normal" folk out there. 

But then I got my blog, and was convinced I would never subject my readers to such an annoying feature. So when the spam started hitting me more and more, it got really frustrating and time consuming to sort through them. I didn't want to miss or delete new commenters. Some of these spammers are deceitful. You can only see their embedded link after you post, and you have to go back over it to eliminate it properly. It's really cool to see you have 50 new comments, but then realizing only 3 are good kinda sucks. 

So in the hopes of eliminating this hassle, I unwillingly gave one to you guys :-(  Now I know some of you don't mind, and I appreciate that, but it is a fucking nuisance and I hate it. So I'm gonna take it off for now, and hope the spamming wont be too bad.  It will be worth it if it makes some of you more comfortable to comment :-)

And to all you fucking robots out there, 
I have a very annoying blog tool, 
and I'm not afraid to use it ;-)


  1. I had to try it before you have to put it back up again. I'm resisting using it on my blog. But I also don't allow anonymous contents. Which has proven to be off-putting to some. Oh well...

  2. Good luck on the spam but it never really bothered me all that much.

  3. I am also thinking about this comment stuff. To me it boils down to...

    "Why hind in the shadows when you can shine"


    "In your shadow I can shine"

  4. So far so good Sarge. The anonymous thing is kinda tricky. A lot of my regular commenters use "anonymous", but they sign at the bottom. Well most of 'em do ;-)

  5. Thanks Stevie... key words being "all that much" ;-)

    I agree GOODSTUFF. I'm really hoping I won't need to use it for a while though.

  6. Thank you for removing that annoying thing,

    It can be a real pain in the ass, especially when the damned thing does not recognize that you gave the correct letters and numbers.

    Again, thank you sweetie! ;-D


  7. Awww, I kind of enjoy the little Captcha tool here. It's by far not the worst I've seen, and it's actually kind of fun.

  8. If the robo-spamming gets bad, try a honeypot, essentially a human-hidden field that only the bots can/will fill in. If they fill in the form, the comment is ignored, and/or the IP is temporarily blocked.

  9. I thank you ... I got rid of all my spam by not allowing "Anonymous" and as you know my comments go to moderation on posts older than seven days. They used to attack my older posts with catchy titles like "Naked Bungee Jumpers". That one alone got attracted 150 spam, and all left after the post was 6 months old.

    Google Blogger is pretty good about identifying spam. When you find them, put them into your spam folder in comments, before you delete them. It will teach your comments folder to ID the spam automatically in the future.


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