
Friday, June 7, 2013

My Fallen Trees....

Here are the pictures I took of the two trees that fell in the storm last Sunday. Turns out we had Tornado Warnings in the area. That doesn't happen a lot around here. We lost power till later that night, why I made a Post from My Phone, my first ever. So there's a bit more detail there and in Monday's Good Morning Post

Without further ado... Here are My Trees...
and a peak at what it looks like in my parts :-)

It was still very windy when I took this pic, notice the smaller trees swaying in the back. By the way, the hillside in the background is American soil. At the base of it is the river that separates us. Yes we are that close :-) It shows up better in some of the other pics. Notice how dirty the river is too, because of the flash floods we got that day... washing out whole driveways  and destroying freshly planted farmer's fields.

This is the first one to fall, the second is right behind it. The tops laid on either side of the ditch blocking off the driveway. You can see the power lines above, where the first tree hit. At the end of the post I have a couple pictures of the trees that I took a few years ago. It gives you a much better idea of the live power cables, that are higher then the ones you see here. And of course, what the trees looked like before last Sunday.

~ Here's another view ~

You can see the river much better here since the rain has stopped. Those houses back there are American. And btw the driveway just got paved about a week before, now it's full of leaf confetti. Woohoo!! It's just ironic how things happen sometimes. Saturday, we spent the day clearing the brush at the bottom of the fallen trees, leaving only the wild rose bushes. I was planning something really nice at the bottom of the trees with rocks and new plants. I'll have to think about plan B now. It was just a really weird coincidence them falling right after we cleared around the base. I thought for a moment maybe we weakened them, but they weren't pulled out by the roots, they broke at the base, because ants had chewed them all up inside, we just couldn't tell from the outside. It's a shame. 

Looking closer, you can tell the base of the trees were still firmly planted in the ground.

A view from the other side. You can see where the ants had burrowed into them. We were lucky they fell the way they did, they could have fallen towards the house or totally broke the power lines. This is kinda weird to me though, usually when a tree is down because of strong winds, you can see a big root ball pulled out of the ground.... this was a disaster waiting to happen, like I said, we were very lucky. 

And here they are...

Standing Tall and Proud :-)


  1. That's a huge tree! How sad.

  2. They were done for long before that storm. The Carpenter ant's are a symptom of a very sick tree. They may simply have reached the end of there life cycle as most evergreens become blow-down in the wild, when old or sick. The storm you just had is our "Once a week" "every spring" event. I think this is the first time in my lifetime we haven't had tornados in the spring. I'm glad y'all are OK---Ray

  3. Well, one good note, y'all will have plenty of firewood! :-)


  4. We've had high 80's here. Very unusual for here this time of year.

  5. An igloo with concrete steps? WTF? LOL :)

  6. Glad they didn't fall on your head. Or your house.

  7. Hey Timbo :-)
    I was sad to loose them. They've been part of my scenery for the past 20 years.

    I always wondered how tall they were. Now I had my chance. I walked the length of the shorter one first. It fell on the far side, can't see it on the first two pics. It was at least 50 feet.

    The one you see on the first pics was taller, but the top had broken in pieces when it hit the power lines. It looked like it exploded... it was freaky to watch that's for sure. So my guess is it was about 5 feet taller then the other one.

    "Once a week" Ray, wow. I've always thought we were pretty lucky around here, as far as weather goes, in general it's pretty mild. But we do get extremes on occasions. And like you said about the trees, they were done for it, it's too bad :(

    And firewood we do need Bob... heck it's June and I'm probably gonna light one here in a bit... it's efin' cold wtf?!

    High 80s sound amazing Odie, maybe next week....

    Cedar, well dah... I do have a house you know ;-) My igloo is, well... I mentioned something about it in this post....

    I'm glad for that too Peter :-)


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