
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Good Morning :)

I Wish...

Busy busy weekend.
At least I'm getting shit done.
Wondering what everyone's up to :-)


  1. Same thing, getting shit done

  2. Yup, that would be a very nice place to be, right now.

    It was a balmy 40 degrees (that's Fahrenheit) this morn when I got up.

    It has been a wonderful weekend for yard work. God, I HATE mowing grass, what a waste of time!

    Got to eat 6 ripe raspberries yesterday off of my vines. The way they are loaded, I will have a huge crop of them. The goose berries are almost ready to pick. Rhubarb has been picked, chopped, and frozen. Have plenty for lots of strawberry-rhubarb pie this winter (my favorite!).

    Gonna go over the mountains to Missoula tomorrow. Have a relax day and maybe take in a movie.

    That's about it from my world.:-)


  3. Took the Munchkin to the pool- birthday party for one of the school chums. She had so much fun I had to carry her screaming to the truck in order to leave. She passed out LIMP over the seat belt within five Min. utterly exhausted. Her Momie gave her a bath and put her in the bed and she passed out-she got up at 0730 this morning and said " can we go back to-----s house?----Ray

  4. good sunday morning My MissK :-)
    been loading up camper, redoing the bed frame, vacuumed the rug for mrs,
    took plants back outside,
    fixed gate going onto porch,
    then taking a brake , thought see whats going on here.
    Have A Great Rest Of Day
    the hammock would be nice to have right now

  5. Yesterday I spent several hours at the range with my Veper 5.45, Regent 1911 and Radom P-64. About 500 rounds spent. Then spent afternoon on the beach with my 5y/o son. Today He helped me remove the rats nest of stereo wiring and ancient crap out of my 87 Bronco and install a new head unit and speakers. Awsome overall and still going.

  6. was a beautiful morning in the Vancouver morning and now clouding up, but cleanup yard-work etc.Was gonna get my hot rod foxbody mustang back together but my mechanic(son) got into a million dollar online poker tourny so he jammed out...that hammock sure looks good. Have a happy one y'all.

  7. You guys are awesome... Thank you for sharing :-)


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