
Friday, June 14, 2013

A Little Scenery Close to Home :)

A really good look a the River I keep mentioning. US soil to the right :-) 
Not a cloud in the sky, and the river is very calm. 

There's usually a few duck families around, but that day it was loons. 
Pretty cool to see them dive, and not come back up... or so it seems ;-)

The top pic was a couple weeks ago. The second is earlier this spring. 
Same spot, looking in the other direction. 

 Canadian weeds, and American trees... ;-)

Now even closer to home. The view out my kitchen window. Early this spring. 
The birch trees with new pale green leaves are on my side of the river. 
Everything behind them is American. 

I have to love you guys, you're right there :-)


  1. Didn't know grass grew near an igloo .......°_°

  2. Well there you go AngryOne, you learned something new ;-)

  3. There are a lot of loons in NB, Canada. Pretty much everyone that I met there was one.............

    Tobique River?

  4. Is that the St. Croix? Nice.

  5. that was nice!

    and the pics were awesome also ;-)

  6. I love the view! Can you fish in your river? I it safe for swimming?---Ray

  7. That river looks pretty calm and slow moving.

    Quite unlike the ones we have here in my part of the world.

    In fact, they are pretty high and gnarly. The kayakers and rafters are here now.


  8. pretty area
    does it ever flood
    Hope its not like some in maine where my son lives, they are so polluted from old factorys you shouldn't eat the fish out of some area's
    you have a nice view and
    TGIF ;-)

  9. Not the Tobique Taminator, that's where most of the loons hang out ;-)

    Thank you Sarge, I love being out in the country :-)

    Thanks Jess :-)
    Not the St.Croix either.

    Well it's true Millwright ;-)

    We use to swim in it Ray, but I kinda got turned off when I saw a bunch of belly up fish. Some people still use it for ice fishing, or smuggling... ;-)
    In the summer time there's lots of boats, mostly pontoon type :-)

    Yeah it is pretty calm Bob, most of the time. There's a few damns down river, so depending how many gates they got open it could be moving pretty fast. But nothing that would rival your kayakers and rafters, well unless they go down the falls, and that would be a big no no.... :-)

    Thanks Guttridge :-)
    It does flood some years. More so down river because they have low lying areas. It's pretty high here so the part where I live it's rare. About 8 years ago was the biggest flood I have seen. The grass on the first picture was totally covered. Some houses where flooded more then half way up the main floor. Actually there were a couple house that floated away... crazy. Yet, people still build on the shores.
    Sadly, it's very polluted here too. But the view is nice.


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