
Tuesday, April 23, 2013


US Army Tells Troops to Scrape 
Bible Verses Off Their Weapons

Todd Starnes at FOX News reported:

The U.S. Army is directing troops to remove a Bible inscription that a vendor etched into the serial numbers of weapon scopes, Fox News has learned. Soldiers at Fort Wainwright in Alaska told Fox News they received a directive to turn in their scopes so the Bible references could be removed. The scopes were made by Trijicom and referenced New Testament passages in John 8:12 and Second Corinthians 4:6. The verses appeared at the end of the scope serial numbers – “JN8:12” and “2COR4:6.” “The biblical verse (JN8:12) must be removed utilizing a Dremel type tool and then painted black,” read instructions on how to remedy the matter. After the letters and numbers were scraped off, soldiers were directed to use apply black paint to ensure the verses were totally covered.

Hat Tip Goes to Barracuda Brigade Via I'm 41



  1. just wait the pushback is gonna be sweet

  2. Surely forces of evil and darkness wish not to have God's words and Gods commands marked so clearly for our soliders to see and pray upon...
    We can't have that... Perhaps allkhoakhbar would be okay to our masters...

  3. Looks like a violation of the 1st Amendment(forbidding the free exercise of one's religion) as well as defacing a serial number to me.

    This should be all sorts of illegal. I don't object to giving soldiers the option, but making it mandatory is WAY out of line.


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