
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WANT!! ~ Effin "Cool" :)

Your Favorite Drink.....


  1. LOL They probably won't check my igloo ;-)

  2. I would love to have those also!!!:) My son asked if we could get them haha.

  3. MissK you really struck a chord with me. I have to get some!

  4. I see great minds think alike. ;)

    I tried ordering mine but they won't ship to Commiefornia because we're limited to only 10 cubes per tray and the tray has to be fixed to the freezer shelves under the new Obama/Feinstein 2013 Assault Beverage Ban because detachable ice cube trays make it easier to drink cold beverages and we wouldn't want that.

    Lord help you if you are caught in possession of a standard capacity ice cube tray that's stamped Military/Law Enforcement Use Only and you aren't a jack boot thug or serving in the military...

  5. ROFLOL...
    Now I want some of that...
    where the heck do I get those treys?


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