
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Go Ahead... Use That Sharpie!


  1. ROFLOL...
    Really MissK... You really would say with a straight face?
    I'm sure you have gotten many comment that were pretty/very original yet were deleted for simply being vulgar, belligerent and simply wrong...
    Surely there was no encouragement of their originality, but a harsh dimiss and delete and perhaps rightly so a stern warning to go with it, however original and risky...

    I'm with you, Man's got to know his limitation...

    Thanks for making sure that however original, certain things will remains wrong. thanks for the lessons taught...

  2. MissK did someone Sharpie you when you were hungover during St. Patty's Day...Show some pics..Bet they got you good..hehehe

  3. You would love that wouldn't you Greenbow... :P

    Makes me wonder about you, have you ever done such a thing?


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