
Monday, February 18, 2013

This One's For You Irish ~ Stay Warm ;)

Could Spring be at the other end?


  1. Oh Missk, that's no tropical beach...
    That looks more like a beach by St. Pierre et Miquelon or somewhere off lake Michigan, Erie, or Ontario... Brrrr...
    It is a pretty sight, a nice rainbow, and perhaps even warm when the picture was taken. But that's no tropical beach with warm sand, surf and sun, and psaltery wind in our face...
    Compare that to the last one you posted...
    and yes the Spring is at the other end, but still four months away... Brrr...

  2. Maybe so, I couldn't find where it was taken.... but it's still a lot warmer then the chilling wind gusts and blowing snow about to bury my igloo ;-)

  3. *sniffles*
    I know the feeling, MissK...
    *touches the screen* Hang int here and may the force be with you and yours and keep you warm...
    We got that chilling wind gusts and blowing snow and sub zero temp last night... Heck it is up to 20 now...

  4. I'm going to say a no on Lake Michigan. I have never it that beautiful. At least on the Milwaukee side. All I see is seaweed, foamy shit, and tons of condoms floating around....



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