
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

~ Hot Attitude ~ Part 2

So Cold outside today....

How 'bout a little more heat?....

Any Warmer?....


  1. OK,they're all beautiful girls,and I might be a nerd for saying this,but #4 is so well proportioned as opposed to the "top heavy "girls-I like 'em like that!
    Thanks for the evening art show.

  2. Most of them wouldn't know how to react if you got them a steak with all the trimmings and a good beer.

    #9 would ask what the salad was doing on the kind of girl.

  3. lolol...
    Now that is pretty hot MissK.
    I'l take the last one, and 3rd and 4th from the bottom in that warm imaginary tropical island...
    Ah, to get all sweaty with them and then go swimming...
    Hey the first one is also pretty... but perhaps she's got no boobs...

  4. They all got clothes on, Sheesh, you ppl need to stop over to my place, much hotter over there.......

  5. It's not ALL about the clothes AngryOne, or lack there of.... it ain't the only thing that makes a woman Hot you know... Sheesh back at ya...

    Gotta leave something to the imagination. Where's the fun in giving it all away on the first try?

    The Power of Suggestion is a Wonderful Thing, and I like to use it :P"'

  6. I like the first picture--even though it is just a head shot. The eyes in that photo just seem like they're boring right into you. It's a "haunting" photo, for lack of a better term, but in a good way, not the kind that will wake you up screaming at 3am...


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