
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Food... Lots of Food !!

Just getting back from the grocery store... 
I'm gonna make some yummi jalapeno poppers. 
Hoping to get a good pic to show off.... ;-)

What do y'all like to eat for a Super Bowl treat?


  1. I don't watch the Stooperbowl. It's every thing that's wrong with this country. The game, fine, but the exploitaion, deception, and greed on both sides of the fence are despicable.
    I'd rather prune an apple tree. At least that's what I should be doing.

  2. Sorry I don't agree.The Super Bowl,with it's commercials going to the highest bidders,all the travel,tourism dollars,the whole year culminating in a championship contest between the two winningest teams,is the epitomy of Capitalism and the American dream.
    I'm not rooting for any particular team,but I think it's about people competing on so many different levels for so many different things,and it's success or failure is driven by 'what people want';and not some mandate by the ruling party or more taxes,regulations,or government interference.Sports(whether pro or amatuer)are the only venue for individuals to overcome and succeed without .gov messing it up.

  3. I took a slow smoked pork butt, the bacon double cheeseburger dip and chips, and two peach cobblers to the VFW and came home to a DCFSB, light yogurt and a 90 minute workout. Something ain't right.

  4. I don't care about football, My wife and the munchkin both have strep and munchkin has influinza "A" with it, so my weekend has been spoken for. Did dishes,Did laundry,cooked, Watched "Sponge bob" and "The penguins of Madigascar" and all the Barbie princess movies. The stuffed toys had a wedding in the cardbord castile. The wedding got crashed by the big lizard, but giant scubie do and the white tiger came to the rescue. After much running and screaming,munchkin asked dady to rock her like a baby in the big blue chair. She took a nap. I kept doing laundry. And turned the TV off (AHHH bessed silence)Come to think on it ,I had a good weekend. Even without football and beer.--- Ray

  5. Ahh, The family and I and our kind had monkey brain with mint sauce on for the superBowl treat...
    IN our planet monkey brain is a delicacy. We are so glad it is abundant here... And for us no day is better than Superbowl Sunday for this treat...
    So thanks for uniting our kind to celebrate this wonderful day by consuming and treating ourselves to monkey brain...
    Of course it is good any time of the year... But it is this time of the year that is hugely consumed...
    Perhaps another generation or two monkey brain can become part of America's menu too... ;-)


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