
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

AngryMike ~ The Evolution....

Alright MikeyBoy, you talk a good game, but I can be fare, especially since you where "fairly respectable" and just posted a pic of me "resting" I'll go easy on you, and only post some of your baby pictures... for now, well mostly ;-)

I mean really, who could stay mad 
at this little guy......


I mean, look at that face...

But "looks" can be deceiving....
And someone's true nature usually comes out at some point.

Like when you first wake-up....

Or that defining moment when someone
snatches your favorite cap...

~ If looks could kill ~

"What THE FUCK, are you looking at!? 
Some Idiot took MY cap, and I'm FUCKING PISSED!!"

~ Years Later ~

Now the poor boy is Angry at the world...

Even innocent bi-standers 
have to be subject to the AngryOne's Wrath.

So subtle, but oh so devious...

The man who is not afraid 
to speak his mind

~ AngryMike ~

In True Redneck Fashion... ;-)

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