
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Weekend Treat ~ Random Hotties

Goodnight ;-)


  1. Thanks, doll. You're the greatest.

  2. Very Nice, here is something for you

    Ô Canada!
    Terre de nos aïeux,
    Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
    Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
    Il sait porter la croix!
    Ton histoire est une épopée
    Des plus brillants exploits.
    Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
    Protégera nos foyers et nos droits,
    Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.

    America thanks you for the support


  3. Thanks Millwright :-)

    Can I assume you didn't copy past that? ;-)

    Je suis contente que vous aimez ce que je fais...

  4. A year of high school French back
    in...never mind the year :)Just enough French, Spanish, and German
    to get a beer and a few pick up
    lines. The Romantic languages are easy, German,Polish and Czech a little harder. I didn't see your pic this time, or am I mistaken . I do have a ?, your little bundle of joy is 16?
    Canadian water must be the fountain
    of youth

  5. :-)

    Tell me something in French that you remember. Don't worry about spelling..
    ...or the little fancy shit --> ^¸¨

  6. typical 17 year old stuff

    Voulez-vous me saouler
    Voulez-vous coucher avec moi

    this is what I say to you now

    Je suis désolé si j'ai offensé vous, s'il vous plaît ne prendre aucune infraction

    Have a Merry Christmas :)

  7. No offense taken... in fact if you hadn't said it, I would think you where lying to me, isn't that the first foreign language phrase one learns at that age?... ;-)

    Merry Christmas!!


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