
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Make You Own.. "Gun-Free Zone"

If that's ALL it takes... sure why not.

As I was watching, it felt kind of familiar... 
like I had seen something similar recently...

Oh Yeah... ;-)
Remember This....

At least this lady later admitted to her mistake, which is a lot more then we can say about "those" who are sold on the "Gun-Free Zone" as a valid solution against the slaughter of the innocent :-(

Here's some more Perspective....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post. I have already shared on facebook.
    Hopefully readers will understand the point of the deer lady video.

    Readers that do not understand the deer lady video. The video represents the morons not understanding that gun laws only affect law-abiding people, not criminals.

    Due diligence look it up!


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