
Friday, December 28, 2012

Alright... Fess Up!! ;)

It snowed a little less then a foot last night.
About 8 inches to be precise....

I crawl out of my igloo for some fresh air, 
only to realize...
Someone had modified my landscape!!
...What The Fuck!?!

I have to ask...

....which one of you yahoos built this 
in front of my igloo last night??


  1. A foot? Eight inches, there you go again. Subliminal messages. I think you are in need of some attention. New Brunswick is to far
    for me to travel.

  2. Subliminal Millwright? I thought I was very obvious LOL

    I get plenty of attention... I was just curious to see who would bite the fastest... ~snicker~

  3. A lot of attention, now your just bragging, and as far as first one to bite , Oh la la
    you have a Happy New Years, and don't
    do Tequila shots, with out me!

  4. Not bragging... just sayin' I got what I need..

    I'll save you a couple tequila shots... ;-)

  5. Makes you wonder doesn't it Angel... ;-)

  6. I'll be honest and say that I didn't model that. I know what happens when it's real cold out!


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