
Monday, October 15, 2012

Stupidity Hurts...

Why they chose the chubbiest guy to go on the bike, is beyond me.....
Notice guy number 2 attempting to protect the goods...
Now how 'bout this guy... "Look what I got!"
Just a wild guess, but I'm thinking the person holding the camera... is a fuckin' asshole ;-) 

Nice going Mom... 
poor kid just went from yellow to purple...
Good Luck Fella.... I hope you got a plan B.

Not sure about this one... 
it's just funky to look at ;-)


  1. My buddy tried to tell me I was shit outta luck if we ever had to run from a bear cause he's in better shape and can run faster than me. He wasn't amused when I told him I had no intention of running, I was just gonna shoot him in the kneecap and walk away. :)

  2. There's always a better way... ;-)

    That's probably not your best friend eh...


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