
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Smart Pup ;)

Snatched from AngryMike :-)


  1. We've got two Pits, and they're one of the most loving, loyal and affectionate dog breeds out there.

    *IF* you raise them properly.

    If you mistreat a Beagle or Poodle or Chihuahua from when they're a pup, they'll be just as "mean and vicious" as the Pit Bulls you read about in the papers.

    The poor dog gets that bad rap when it's the owner's that should be locked up and put down!

  2. What a cute pup!

    A few years back I crossed the line to where I prefer dogs to humans!

    Never been done wrong by one.

  3. I agree with you drjim. It's crazy how ignorant dog owners can be sometimes.

  4. I'm sorry, that word has a more intense meaning in french then english, I didn't mean to minimize it.

    I went to a clients house one time, little white dog came to great me, he seemed friendly so I went to pet it... well, the second it saw my hand it made the most horrified screech I ever heard a dog make, gave me chills. I walk in and you could feel the tension in the air. The ass whole was obviously beating his wife too. She wouldn't look me or him in the eye. He was actually nasty to her in front of me, and I stood up for her... he didn't like that very much. But what can you do, without making it worse for them?? So he was a damn "ignorant" lowlife.. that's how I meant it... And you can be sure I gave him a dirty look, fucking coward.

  5. Oh, I understood what you meant. I didn't know the word translated differently.
    WAY back when I was in college (I was an English major for a while), I was taught that to be "ignorant" means having a lack of knowledge, which is forgivable. If you really, truly, "Don't Know", then that can be corrected.
    It's no sin to say "Pardon my ignorance of Nuclear Physics" when you don't know anything about Nuclear Physics.
    Times have changed, though, and "ignorant" has also come to mean rude, crude, or deliberately "ignoring" facts because they don't go along with one's belief.

    ANYWAY........I think we're in 100% agreement about how some of the scum that passes for human treats their animals.

    I'm not a cat lover (I can barely stand being in the same room with one), but I would NEVER treat a cat in the same way that some "people" treat these poor dogs.


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