
Monday, October 22, 2012


Kinda like that Deer Crossing thing....


  1. That's got to be an intentional spoof. Nothing that stupid should breathe, much less procreate.

  2. Unfortunately, Wild Cookery!, I know plenty of people like this. I worked with one who was a dedicated vegan, and I'd always compliment her on her nice leather sandals as I ate a bacon cheeseburger in front of her. "wow, Michelle, it's amazing what they're doing with tofu these days! Nice sandals."

  3. @ Wild Cookery!

    I hate to disagree with you but there ARE people that stupid. Those environmentalists promote electric cars without thinking where the electricity to charge them comes from (a coal fired power plant). Then there are the people who vote for Obama because they think he personally gives them phones and other material products. And the PETA supporters who fail to realize that PETA decrys animal slaughter but euthanizes animals in its own shelters.

  4. Sigh, too true, there are people like this...
    Stolen! ;)


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