
Monday, October 22, 2012

It's Monday ~ Oh the Woes... :P

Thanks Dave, you made me laugh out loud... ;-)


  1. And yet he can put down his bongos long enough to vote for Obama...

  2. True... but don't tell me you never experienced some of these things yourself?

    Okay, I'll go first: 4 7 9 10 11...

    Well maybe not 11, was just funny, don't even have a Domino's around here, and I don't "usually" walk around with no pants on ;-)

  3. Yep, the last one LOL... because I heard you say it many times ;-)

  4. #2 Had a great childhood. Was kinda poor but didn't know it.
    #8 Hate those fucking things! My wife will use it (smart phone) when we go on a drive. Damn hearing's so bad I can't understand the electronic bitch! Had an older model that wasn't updated (older one from my wife's stepdad). EB thought I was driving through cornfields and kept telling me to turn or get back on the road. Damn stupid people gonna forget how to use maps. FYI ghettos don't bother me, they should be concerned - at least they'll know they had a fight from someone that holds a handgun properly!!

  5. I hate a GPS too, they're a nuisance. Especially when you deal with alot of country roads. At my old job, that I did for 10 years, done last December, on MY terms ;-) I would travel all over the province to find clients, places I had never been to. All you need is a civic number and a good map. Some of them would tell me "you must have a good GPS!" eh NO, I can read a map. After doing it for a while, I could "see" myself driving on the map, I didn't remember names too well, I remembered the location... on the phone if I didn't recognize the person, I would ask them, what's your address? Oh ok, I know exactly where you live (and who you are). My brain was the GPS. But now ask me to add a few numbers, I reach for the calculator, damn things :P


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