
Friday, October 26, 2012

"I shall never forget your pussy... "

Man Has Dead Wife’s Vagina Carved on Tombstone
BELGRADE, SERBIA — A Serbian widower is making news after having his late wife’s vagina engraved on her headstone.

Milan Marinkovic says it was his wife’s dying wish that he never look at the private areas of another woman, according to the Examiner.
Before she passed away, Milena Marinkovic left detailed instructions on how she wanted her final wishes to be carried out.
She explicitly described to her husband that she wanted him give photographs she had taken of her vagina to a hired sculptor so that an exact replica can be on her headstone, according to TheFrisky.

The problem wasnt finding the money, but finding an artist who would do it. Most of them said it was blasphemy. Now its finished I love it and its a really good likeness. And this way, a part of her will always be with me, said the 72-year-old widower. 

Thank you WiscoDave for this "interesting" Article... LOL


  1. In Serbia, G-spot find you!

  2. Yeah, still waiting, rpm....

    Technically speaking, that's the labia and not the vagina. Just sayin'. And from the looks of the close up, she was way overdue for a waxing...

  3. Well it's still funny to me, Professor Buzzkill.

  4. well he thinks it was hard to get her to open up before

  5. I'm sorry rpm. I didn't mean to steal your sunshine.

    I still think the only way you guys would find one is with a topographical map and a GPS. :-)

  6. Looks like a boat, but who's rowing? ;)


  7. Bwah-ha-ha-ha! Boarshide, is that a dinghy?

  8. I'm laughing out loud because I'm so happy.
    The comments are better than the original article,

  9. HWA,, but methinks it might taste like Poutine...... oops sorry Miss K!


  10. LOL I wouldn't know Boarshide :D

  11. Hmmm, salty and a little cheesy, Boarshide? Maybe some poutine...


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