
Monday, October 1, 2012

Good Morning ;)


  1. And then I'll spread butter and jam all over you....

  2. Wow, rpm, WAY off the mark...

    Come to think of it, I really prefer honey to jam.

  3. Well, you're using vinegar tonight.

  4. Aw, vinegar? I'm sorry, honey, you're such a strong,virile, smart, funny studmuffin, and that was comic brilliance! Is that better? Has your ego been stroked sufficiently, or do I need to keep stroking?

  5. That was sarcastic me. Real me is, "Sorry rpm, just teasing. I love playing with you because, as MissK said today, you are one of the very few people who can stay a step ahead of me. I love a challenge."

    You know, we wouldn't have to wait for MissK to post comments, if you'd email...

  6. Of course you know, this means war.
    I'm going to my teepee to smoke on this.

  7. :-) You guys are funny... don't mind me, please resume your extra-curricular activities, whatever they are.... ;-)

  8. I'm lost, MissK, did rpm just go to the john?

    And I was NICE, buddy. NICE. So what's with the "war" talk? You do NOT want to get into a rasslin' match with a redheaded Scorpio...

  9. You nailed the first one. Who said the second one, tuff gal?

  10. I have no earthly idea, rpm. You're worse with the movie quotes than I am with song lyrics. (ask MissK)

    Give me an actor that was in the movie.

  11. Oh, and thank you Miss K.
    Don't you feel like you're running a day care facility at times?

  12. You're Welcome, I think... don't make me regret it ;-)

    A times I do ~snicker~

    Oh Angel, I LOVE your new Avi... mmmmm BaCoN :D

  13. See?! See what he does to me? I ask for mercy, for a little hint, and he leaves me hanging. Bastard.

    And yeah, Kenny laughed at me for having "Booty Hunter" on the other one. So I had to change it.
    BArium CObalt Nitrogen

  14. I won't make you regret it Miss K. I possess restraint...

    Dustin Hoffman. And a freebie--Chief Dan George.

  15. Rpm, Angel had to leave but she texted me a response so here it is...

    Angel said...
    "Rpm, Little Big Man. I thought it was, but was afraid you'd laugh at me and pull my pigtails if I was wrong. Enough thinking, going to tuck myself in. Goodnight, John(?)"

    Goodnight Angel :-)

  16. Sunshine, awwwww....
    That almost, ALMOST, makes up for "his wiseass devil"....

    Good morning rpm, have a good day!

  17. rpm, you could have made it tougher and just gave me Chief Dan George. My other fav movie of his:
    "I didn't surrender neither. But they took my horse and made him surrender."

  18. That's Outlaw Josie Wales. Been a Clint fan since his first spaghetti western.

  19. Oh yeah, the Dollars series. Only musical he ever filmed?


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