
Monday, October 1, 2012

Easy Challenge....


A little background... As a Canadian, who watches very little news on tv, mostly because I see how much the media twists the facts, and I have better things to do with my time then letting myself be brainwashed with the masses.  I am embarrassed to say that I was very clueless about Obama until I've started mingling with this crowd and have seen the cold hard facts. Allot of this stuff is still just sinking in, but I am very relieved to take the blinders off. I do feel lucky, even if his crap still influences my Country that his name will never be on my voting ballot... I do however care for the welfare of my fellow man and I will do what I can to understand and spread the word....

Now for my challenge... my daughter came up to me yesterday and asked me a question that I wasn't sure how to answer. She has been noticing things I read online and the stuff I post and asked "Why do some people hate Obama? What has he done that is so bad?" I mean, I had a millions thoughts come into my brain, but how to answer in a few words in a way that makes sense to someone that knows very little about it. Not to mention that she had noticed Michelle's public speaking "prowess" recently where as far as I'm concerned, the only truth spoken was "being president doesn't change who you are it reveals who you are". 

So what I ask of you all, and I do hope some lurkers that have never commented before post too... tell me in YOUR words, how you would answer her... or anything you would like to add on the subject. I do really care what you all think, and respecting someone's opinion is important to me. We all come from different walks of life and it's expected that we have different points of view. I like making up my own mind, as you all do, and THAT is definitely one of the things I enjoy the most around here. I hope you feel free to speak your mind, not just in this post, but in anything that I post that possibly appeals to you. :-) 

Thank you for being part of My World ;-)


  1. Tell her he is trying to take from the makers and give it to the takers who have never tried to do it on there own.........;-)

  2. He ignores our Constitution and makes up the rules as he goes along.

  3. "There are rights which are illegal to deny. He is denying people those rights."

    Then guide her through the Constitution and show what he is violating (TSA violating the 4th Amendment and arresting that anti-Islam filmmaker violating the 1st and others).

  4. Oops I forgot to include a link to the Constitution's text.

    If it is too long than the bill of rights should be enough.

  5. I don't know how old your daughter is, but I talk to my 15 and 17 year olds all the time about politics, and they just get it. My oldest loves to get into debates with her smart-ass know-nothing classmates, and I know for her it's like going to a gunfight with a fully loaded clip against someone with an empty weapon. She just rips them with facts, and they always go away angry and "emotionally" upset. I have always tried to teach my kids to think and research everything on both sides, and always be prepared with the facts. We talk every night at dinner about the news and we try to out-do each other with the best examples of media bias. For a real ejumacashun, just show here that video of that woman talking about her "free" Obama phone. Even a two year old can figure that one out.

  6. Thank you all for the great comments so far....

    RightInAz, She is 15 and what you just said sounds great to me, and totally fits her personality. She is very much an individual and is awesome at not getting her toes stepped on :-)

  7. Thank you Son_of_Liberty for the links and perspective :-) I will be checking those out...

  8. I would tell her that there are good and bad people in this world, and Obama is missusing the wealth an power of the USA and the good people have had enough

  9. Tell her, first and foremost, that the Rights he's denying Americans come from God not government. That a right is NOT a privelege that can be bestowed or rescinded by any man.

    Second, tell her not to believe the stories that Obama is inept, incompetent, and over his head. He is NOT. He is EVIL. He knows exactly what he wants to do to this country, and every action taken is a step in the process of dismantling America. Fundamentally change America, over my dead body.

    Fuck Obama

  10. I think a lot of the hate stems from the build up to the '08 election. So many people watched in horror as his past was ignored by the media, who did a bang-up job of painting O with a rainbow brush of that 'hope & change' b.s. The t.v. zombies fell for it. And we have O as the one in the oval office. When he said energy prices would necessarily sky-rocket, fundamentally transforming the country, etc. my heart broke for my counrty. Hence the hate..... That whole bill of rights and the Constitution (that he swore to uphold, protect AND defend) is just an OLD document that does not go far enough to do ... something.. damn, Help me out here folks, I forgot the rest of that quote. It was about redistribution of wealth, I think... Any ways, yeah, FUCK OBAMA

  11. I wanna add part of a couple comments Angel and Mike made over at Wirecutter's in his "Sure, we've got plenty of money......" Post. I just think they add basics to this info here, that I will happily invite my daughter to read later.

    From Angel: "The number of non-citizens on foodstamps has quadrupled since 2001 from 425,000 to 1,634.000. That's 1.6+ million NON US CITIZENS receiving tax-payer funded foodstamps. It took 10 years to gain 500K enrollees, and just three years to gain 700K enrollees. Guess which three years?"

    Okay girl, I took your whole comment, just jaw dropping!!

    From Mike: ".....come to America they will feed you, give you free clothes and now heath care' as long as you find a way to vote Democrat.........."

    Simple, to the point... Y'all are good, I'm glad I did this post, please keep adding...

    Thank you all for giving a damn!!!

  12. That is a tough one, but I would use the wolf in sheeps clothing analogy. How some people are not what they appear to be. How its wrong to bribe one person to get them to side with you on something that is morally wrong. Obama phone anyone? Good luck.

  13. Someone sent me this in an email today, I hope you don't mind me sharing, maybe it was meant for you.

    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
    Ronald Reagan

    So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, so that as long as the sky remains above the earth, you and your children may flourish in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors.
    Deuteronomy 11:18-21 (NLT)

  14. (Daughter), you work extremely hard in school, you don't go do the fun things that your friends do, like going to the mall and hanging out, because you are studying so you can keep getting those good grades. When you get an A on your test, you feel a sense of accomplishment, right? How would you feel if your teacher then told you that since your friends got Cs and Ds, he/she is going to reduce your grade to a C and give your credit to your friends who sluffed off while you were busting your butt to get good grades because it's only fair. Everyone needs to have equal results because that's only fair. "But, Mom! That's not fair! I worked hard to achieve that A! Those other people were out having fun and partying while I scarificed fun to get my good grades! No fair!" Well, (Daughter), now you know just one example of why Obama is a bad, bad dude. He wants that very thing for all people. It's called wealth redistribution, or, in your case, "grade redistribution".

  15. From this Canadians' perspective it would appear this president is closer to making himself king, and changing the rules to ensure that status.

  16. Very nice to hear another Canadian's perspective, thank you for that Elizabeth, and Welcome :-)

  17. This has always been one of my favorites, and a classic to boot;

    "Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. ... Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the 'new, wonderful good society' which shall now be Rome's, interpreted to mean 'more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious."--Roman statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.)



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