
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Best Cure for the Bruised Ego...

Okay, maybe not the best.. still funny 


  1. My goodness, you're a hurtful women!

  2. Sorry, timbo, nobody calls my man "ugly". I'll defend him with my last breath.

  3. Damn, that ^^^ is brutal. You sure you're not from Commiefornia hwa?

    Actually the girls here really don't give a rats ass about looks. It's all about the expensive car, the lifted truck (little dick syndrome) pulling the $60k boat, the house on the beach, and any other status symbol cliche' you can come up with.

    Whenever I see some poor bastard running up his credit cards, taking out a second mortgage on his place, and basically living beyond his means I have to laugh, because he's fucking himself in the long run for some temporary poontang. These guys are living in a dream world thinking she's gonna stick around once the money is gone and the debt collectors are calling hourly.

    How's this?

    Her boyfriend is running from the repo man, living in his F-450 crewcab with 40" tires, and his boat got repossessed at the same time as he got evicted from that nice beach house in La Jolla? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

    Yeah, that sounds good to me... ;-)

  4. Okay, I don't give a rat's ass about fancy cars, I drive a '95 momvan with 175,000 miles and want to keep it going to 200K. I don't give a rat's ass about money. I married for love, been broker than the 10 Commandments most of my adult life, and the rat bastard is cheating on me with a 20-year-old hottie with fake titties. I don't give a shit about looks, I'm no prize winner, myself. I want an honest man, trustworthy, who loves me and is good to me. All I was saying is when I find him, ugly or not, I won't sit there and let anybody badmouth him. Capiche?

  5. @Angel
    It's capisce, amica!
    Momma Mia! Scioccante!

  6. Man, timbo and charliedelta call me a hurtful money-grubbing bitch and rpm calls me on my Spanish, I give up! :-P

  7. What, rpm? It's not Spanish? Portuguese?

    How've ya been?


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