
Monday, October 15, 2012

Be Yourself :)

I Love This :-)
I snatched it off a Beautiful Friend's Facebook. 
It fits my Daughter and I perfectly, 
and this Amazing Person too... 

Who the Fuck wants to be normal anyways... ewww
Following the crowd? not for me. 
What makes us Special and Wonderful is often first looked at as undesireable, 
especially growing up, these things are actually Gifts to Share with the World. 
So Smile and Know that you Are Beautiful Inside and Out
And Worthy of Love.. As YOU Are <3


  1. Not always easy to do, but I printed it out and taped it to my mirror. :-P

  2. Wiser - Don't you have a young person around to help with printer issues and such? Now the tape part worries me a tad! Ha!

  3. Angel... That is your BEST Avi yet <3

  4. Thanks, ran out of cartoony characters.

  5. I like the real thing best ;-)


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