
Friday, September 28, 2012

Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone!!!!

This Video has been on Youtube since Wednesday, 2 fucking DAYS!!!
1,078,434 hits and counting...


  1. Wow, someone I know who is currently receiving 3 types of government assistance (PC term for welfare) in addition to a Pell grant, just showed me her new iphone 5. Dumbfounded, I just stood there while she gushed about all the features. My cheap basic flip phone buzzed with a text that brought me back to reality. I looked her in the eye and said, "You're welcome." And left.

  2. I applaud you for that Angel. Very proud of you :-)

  3. "Gave us a phone."

    "Romney, he sucks."

    Not even a half hearted attempt at debate. The depths of stupidity are as infinite as the depth of a black hole.

  4. I have worked my whole life, never once got anything from the government, wheres my free shit?

  5. Head's up Canada !, they will eventually head your way. When we are broke and can no longer provide their " Free Shit " whitey owes them. They'll be on your doorstep with their hand out.

  6. Complete loonie toons.
    I'm tempted to say "WHERE does she think the money comes from?", but she's obviously TOO STOOPID to comprehend a question like that.....

  7. All it took was the first few ebonics-riddled sentences of hers and my blood pressure was pegging the needle.

    What bugs me the most is these leeches on the dole for probably most of their lives are allowed to vote for how this country is run. They contribute absolutely nothing to the betterment of society as a whole, and sucking the gummit teet and taking all that gummit cheese should be a disqualification of anyone's eligibility to vote until their status changes...

  8. I sent this to MissK and posted it all over my Facebook page in the hopes of countering Obama's "Poor Misunderstood 47%". It's not the single mom working two jobs, or the returning soldier who can't find a job, or the elderly who've paid into Social Security all their lives that comprise the bulk of Obama's supporters, it's the entitlement leeches and the rich white people who want to care for them with other people's money. Sorry for the blood pressure/stroke/tip into insanity.

  9. No, you nailed it Angel. Check out the U.C. Davis pepper spray settlement if you want to get your bp up farther.

  10. ARRRRGGHHHH! How do you guys survive in Kalifornia without going batshit crazy and killing random Libtards? How?!
    And thank God the hippie was too busy writhing on the ground to get wirecutter's license plate number.

  11. Believe me, it takes the patience of Job sometimes.
    I'm ready to retire in the next or two, but my wife has another 6 or so years to go.
    Her son and his girlfriend are moving to Colorado in the spring, where she's from, and has really cool family there.
    The wife is thinking we should follow them ASAP. Colorado is OK, but if I'm going to move to someplace where it gets COLD, I'd rather go to Wyoming.
    Oh, well....."the kids" will be living not *too* far from the Wyoming border, so maybe we won't have to live right next door!


  12. Not going to retire here, that's a given. Firearm and vehicle regs are insane. Pension is taxed. In Florida my truck would cost about $75.00 a year to register, flat rate, smog check optional.
    In Kali it's about $500.00. Smog check mandatory.

  13. AND the gas is cheaper because it doesn't have to be specially refined to me Kalifornia regulations.

  14. I'm serious, we have great weather, no income tax, low registration fees, our gas is $3.39 a gallon right now (can't believe I'm saying that with pride), and great scenery. Great place to retire.

  15. what a waste of good air.

  16. hiswiserangel-
    I agree. Everything you mention about Texas is why I want to live there one day. I've always liked the people I've come across when I go to Texas. I considered moving there about a year ago; even flew back for a week by myself, rented a car in San Antonio and put 1200 miles on that POS rental checking out as much of that massive state as I could in the time I had. I wanted to see more of Texas than I actually did but got drunk with a buddy in New Braunfels for the first 3 days I was there before remembering I wasn't there on vacation, but to look for work. The State Trooper that was nice enough to not throw me in County Jail for DWI reminded me I wasn't there to party like some kid on Spring Break.

    Apparently Texas wasn't in the cards for me then. It won't be until my folks pass on, but I will call Texas "home" one of these days I guarantee it.

    For the time being, I'm going to have to settle with AZ but hey, anything is a step up after living in Commiefornia for the last 40 years...

  17. Have to agree about Texas being a fine place to live.
    I've been there numerous times, and I thought the people were some of the nicest I've ever met, and I've been all over the USA.
    Wouldn't mind living there one bit, but the wife wants to be near the kids, and eventual grandkids, so we'll probably be going to Colorado or Wyoming when she retires.


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