
Monday, September 10, 2012

This one is for all the Dads :)

Makes me smile. Hey, if it works ;-)
Sent in by Wiserangel, you're on a roll tonight girl <3


  1. Not so funny when they're holding your wrists behind you on the way into the back seat of a Crown Vic.

  2. When I saw this my first thought was, "what dipshit forgot to use the flush-cut's to trim the excess part of the tie?"

    Zip-ties also come in an assortment of colors. I had a bag of 1000 bright pink zip-ties I used when I installed satellite dishes for a certain Alaskan Army unit when they were in Afghanistan - it just seemed appropriate at the time.

  3. My dad would have used duct tape 'cause I'm old and those zip tie thingies didn't exist then.

  4. Deb, my dad thinks duct tape and bailing wire are the panacea for all things. I feel for you. I was 8, mom had the flu, and Poppy couldn't find my belt. I went to school with 3 rounds of duct tape around my waistband. Funny until I had to go potty...

  5. Bryn, Isle of Anglesey, UKSeptember 11, 2012 at 9:39 AM

    You forgot the one around the neck, you know, the cheap sound moderator...... Dear God, thank you for letting my wife & I survive with some sanity intact until our child had left home - the peace is wonderful. They have been reminded that in the event of grandchildren being offered up for inspection, our oven will take up to two 30lb turkeys at the same time.... :)

  6. rpm, voice of experience? there are LOTS of uses for these handy little things...

  7. ...mumbles something about invoking the fifth...

    and prefering leather over plastic...

  8. Well then...

    hmmm hmm hm hmm Wiserangel?

  9. Well, damn, leather is always better...don't get me started, I'm on probation over here...

  10. So rpm, leather, hmmmm, I just, well, ~blushing~, damn... We probably have different things in mind...?


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