
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Hump Day!!

For those who will enjoy this with their morning coffee...

For the Ladies, Adam Baldwin Buffet

And for the men... a Sandy Butt Babe, 
camel toe included  ;-)

Since we're on a Hump Day/Squirrel Post...
I'm adding a special home made treat.

Yes, your ears are not deceiving you ;-)
Fucking squirrels ~ in my garage

Yeah, they're fucking squirrels, but just to clear things up here, the squirrels are actually FUCKING!!

Happy Hump Day!!

Thanks to Pissed for the wired squirrel ;-)
and Wiserangel for Adam pic#1 and Sandy Butt Babe ;-)


  1. A 22 with rat shot will take care of a squirrel and will not blast through a wall or roof (if you are a bad shot)...

  2. You should have switched those words to read "squirrels fucking" so people would know what was really going on in your garage...

  3. I think you maybe right... lets see if I can clear things up a bit ;-)

  4. I didn't know his last name was "Buffet".
    Ya learn something every day...:)

  5. This is an interesting sociological/psychological study. Are men less likely to comment about a sexy pic of a woman on a blog by a woman than they would on a blog by a man?
    Are they intimidated into silence, thinking they would offend the hostess?
    Or are they otherwise occupied?

  6. "Awww Jeez!" and cue Archie Bunker facepalm.

    Yep,at you Angel. Overthinking the cavemen again.

    The last sentence-ahem...

  7. Fine, I'll start...

    I would slap the sand off that tush any day ;-)

  8. MissK, I'd help you. Plus someone needs to dislodge that poor girl's bottoms from her, um....

    rpm, got you to respond, now didn't I? ~smirk~

  9. Hmmm....I keep wanting to eat a sand tart after seeing that.

  10. And there's millerized....
    I knew someone was missing!

  11. Welcome Millerized :-)

    I think you where right Angel, it seems the boys needed a helping hand.... ;-)

  12. OH MissK! You naughty girl, you made me blush...but you know me, always willing to lend a hand to those in need.

  13. You two seem to have a grip on the situation, as usual...

  14. It's more of a cradle than a grip, rpm. And where've you been? I got lonely....

    Can you at least give me a nickname? "Oh rpm!" is just awkward.

  15. I just wanted to let you know that I was pulling for you.

  16. The work thing interrupts my day at times.
    Doesn't quite roll off the tongue does it?
    I'll think.

  17. Well, you're here now and worth the wait. (awwwww)

    Ususally it just comes out as a gutteral "Arp'm" so no, not very classy. ;-)


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