Sunday, September 9, 2012

Young Wirecutter, pulling out the charms ;)

I bet that's a lady photographer....
Sent in by AngryMike :)


hiswiserangel said...

I don't know, I have a feeling he'd be facing forward, one hand holding Mr. Happy and the other flipping the bird. But that's just me.

angrymike said...

You can't see his hands in the picture, so maybe Mr happy is getting a workout and we just cant see it.......

LeslieAppling said...

angrymike, ~snort~ didn't think of that....

wirecutter said...

Notice it also doesn't show Amy? She's on the other side of me.

hiswiserangel said...

I never did like Amy, ho....
But the little girl to the left looks shell-shocked. ;-)

MissK said...

LOL I'm thinking she know there's a sweet little ass right there...

hiswiserangel said...

MissK, either that or he just farted.

MissK said...

No comment... ~snicker~